Try it Risk Free
How do you know if Opus Auto Dealership Training is right for your dealership? That's easy – try it out. Start a Free Trial and you'll be taken to a registration form. After registering you'll be able to see and use every feature for 14 days at no cost and with no credit card required.
Start Free Trial
$499 Per Year
After the trial ends you can continue your subscription, or simply let it expire. Continuing allows you to train an unlimited number of dealership employees and/or managers who work in a single location for a flat fee of $499 per year. There are no per person fees and no extra charges. One fee includes everything you need. See why thousands of dealerships and over 1,000,000 managers and employees have used Opus Training.
PLEASE NOTE: Multi-location dealers must purchase a subscription for ALL locations if they wish to use Opus Training in ANY location. A facility is considered a separate location and requires its own subscription if that facility is located in a different building OR has a different mailing address OR has a separate service department.